Fireplace Smoke Guard System
March 7, 2015 in Smoke Guard
A smoke guard which is also known as a combustion chamber opening decrease or chimney smoke protector, is typically made of a heavy-duty piece of steel or brass and it is a bar that fits at the top of your fireplace and prevents smoke from entering your living space.
Smoke can roll out of a fireplace because of a flue that is too small, chimney height is too short, an excessive restriction in the flue area, or another expensive problem. This device is a low-cost way to enjoy your fireplace and prevent smoking up the room. You can see from this picture that is also possible to enhance the look of your current hearth and fireplace.
If you ever see or
smell smoke entering your house,
you will want to contact your
chimney sweep professional to
discuss your options before
lighting another fire.
Advantages of installing a
fireplace smoke guard include
preventing smoke from entering
your interior, preventing
staining above your fireplace,
correcting the strength of your
chimney draft, and containing
all combustible exhaust within
the designated firewalls.
This may be the recommendation
that your professional chimney
sweep makes that can prevent
other more costly repairs.
Contact a chimney sweep in your
area today to discuss further